If you enjoy cooking at all, even just a little bit, and you or someone you love is on the move in any form of human-powered activity, this book is a must have. Making the recipes in this book, and then consuming them on top of a mountain after hiking, riding, or skiing up it, is amazing. It's like the best pre-packaged energy-food you've ever tasted, except better, and you made it. The satisfaction alone from knowing that you made that delicious rice cake or two-bite pie you're eating in some awe-inspiring outdoor location, on your regular Tuesday evening trail, (or just in your kitchen) is worth the $24.95.
The book also has a fair amount of detail on the science behind why certain foods are better for your body while it's working hard, as well as some incredibly practical tips on how to get the most out of your food budget and kitchen equipment.
The bottom line is, if you have a kitchen (or access to an electrical outlet), go on adventures outside of any sort, and eat things, this book is well worth the money.